This Starter Pack includes all of the clarifying aids needed to clarify liquids for use in the Spinzall.
Pectinex Ultra-SPL
Many Spinzall recipes require Pectinex Ultra SP-L. The Spinzall can clarify almost any non-starchy fruit or vegetable, either on its own or mixed with other liquids or alcohol. Any such product requires pre-treatment with Pectinex Ultra SP-L. Without this enzyme, the pectins in the fruits or veggies will prevent clarification. Using the exact amount of Pectinex Ultra SP-L called for in a recipe is not critical. A little more is better than a little less. Generic “Pectinase” enzymes are NOT a substitute.
Kieselsol and Chitosan
Most liquids products need to be pre-treated with clarifying aids in order to work in the Spinzall. If the enzyme pre-treatment (using Pectinex Ultra-SPL) is adequate, you will see a “break:” cloudy patches separated by areas of obviously clear liquid. If you see this break, you are ready to spin. Note: you may see a break in as little as five minutes. If you do not see a break, you may need to additionally treat your product with the wine fining agents Kieselsol and Chitosan. Kieselsol and Chitosan work by making the solids in your product clump together into larger particles that are easier for the Spinzall to spin out.
While the measurement of Pectinex Ultra-SPL does not have to be precise to work, it is essential that the measurements of Kieselsol and Chitosan are in order to work properly. Using a pipette is highly recommended for adding these precise measurements.